AdventOfCode 2024 Day 9

Part One




这部分比较简单,一个正向group_a 一个反向group_b,按照位置关联即可

with origin AS (
    SELECT idx, case when mod(idx, 2) = 1 then ((idx - 1) / 2) :: VARCHAR  else '.' end as pos
    FROM (
        SELECT x.idx :: INTEGER, x.pos
        FROM lance_input, regexp_split_to_table(line, '') with ordinality as x(pos, idx)
    ) t, generate_series(1, 9) as id
    WHERE pos :: INTEGER >= id
    ORDER BY idx
), group_a AS (
    SELECT idx, pos, 
           row_number() over (partition by case when pos = '.' then 1 else 2 end order by idx) as rn
    FROM origin
), group_b AS (
    SELECT idx, pos, 
           row_number() over (partition by case when pos = '.' then 1 else 2 end order by idx desc) as rn
    FROM origin
), move AS (
    SELECT pos, row_number() over (order by idx, rn) as rn
    FROM (
        SELECT a.idx, a.rn, coalesce(b.pos, a.pos) as pos
        FROM group_a a
        LEFT JOIN group_b b 
        ON a.rn = b.rn
        AND a.pos = '.'
        AND b.pos != '.'
    ) t
SELECT sum((rn - 1) * pos :: INTEGER)
FROM move
WHERE rn <= (select count(*) from group_a where pos != '.');

Part Two







free AS (
    SELECT a.start_pos + a.length as start_pos,
           b.start_pos - a.start_pos - a.length as length
    FROM t a
    JOIN (
        SELECT start_pos, 
               lag(start_pos) over (order by start_pos) as pre_pos
        FROM t
    ) b
    ON a.start_pos = b.pre_pos
    AND a.start_pos + a.length < b.start_pos 


mv_idx AS (
    SELECT a.start_pos
    FROM free a
    JOIN t b
    ON a.length >= b.length
    AND b.file_id = b.current_file
    AND a.start_pos < b.start_pos
    ORDER BY a.start_pos
    LIMIT 1


with recursive origin AS (
    SELECT idx, pos :: INTEGER as length, case when mod(idx, 2) = 1 then ((idx - 1) / 2) :: VARCHAR else '.' end as file_id
    FROM (
        SELECT x.idx :: INTEGER, x.pos
        FROM lance_input, regexp_split_to_table(line, '') with ordinality as x(pos, idx)
    ) t
    ORDER BY idx
), num_pos AS (
    SELECT start_pos, length, file_id :: INTEGER
    FROM (
        SELECT sum(length) over (order by idx) - length as start_pos, length, file_id
        FROM origin
    ) t
    WHERE file_id != '.'
), mv_pos AS (
    SELECT start_pos, length, file_id, (SELECT max(file_id) FROM num_pos) as current_file
    FROM num_pos


    SELECT start_pos, length, file_id, current_file
    FROM (
        WITH t AS (
            SELECT * FROM mv_pos
        ), free AS (
            SELECT a.start_pos + a.length as start_pos,
                   b.start_pos - a.start_pos - a.length as length
            FROM t a
            JOIN (
                SELECT start_pos, 
                       lag(start_pos) over (order by start_pos) as pre_pos
                FROM t
            ) b
            ON a.start_pos = b.pre_pos
            AND a.start_pos + a.length < b.start_pos 
        ), mv_idx AS (
            SELECT a.start_pos
            FROM free a
            JOIN t b
            ON a.length >= b.length
            AND b.file_id = b.current_file
            AND a.start_pos < b.start_pos
            ORDER BY a.start_pos
            LIMIT 1
        SELECT CASE WHEN t.file_id = current_file AND a.start_pos IS NOT null THEN a.start_pos
                    ELSE t.start_pos
                END as start_pos,
               t.current_file - 1 as current_file
        FROM t LEFT JOIN mv_idx a
        ON 1 = 1
        WHERE t.current_file >= 0
    ) s
SELECT sum(t.file_id * (t.start_pos + id - 1)) as result
    SELECT * 
    FROM mv_pos
    WHERE current_file = -1
) t
JOIN generate_series(1, 9) as id
ON t.length >= id;

postgres-# SELECT start_pos,length,file_id
postgres-# FROM mv_pos
postgres-# WHERE current_file = -1 order by 1
postgres-# ;
 start_pos | length | file_id 
         0 |      2 |       0
         2 |      2 |       9
         4 |      1 |       2
         5 |      3 |       1
         8 |      3 |       7
        12 |      2 |       4
        15 |      3 |       3
        22 |      4 |       5
        27 |      4 |       6
        36 |      4 |       8
(10 rows)





  • idx_array INTEGER[],数字的索引信息,每次迭代都要更新。因为会往前插入,因此需要整体更新
  • position_array INTEGER[],每个数字的起始位置,每次迭代都仅更新当前数字的位置
  • length_array INTEGER[],每次数字的长度信息,不需要更新
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION move_file(idx_array INTEGER[], position_array INTEGER[], length_array INTEGER[], current_file INTEGER)
  file_position INTEGER;
  file_length INTEGER;
  insert_index INTEGER;
    file_position := position_array[current_file];
    file_length := length_array[current_file];

    insert_index := 0;
    FOR i IN 1..#idx_array LOOP
        -- last position
        CONTINUE WHEN i = #idx_array;
        -- no free space left
        CONTINUE WHEN position_array[idx_array[i]] + length_array[idx_array[i]] = position_array[idx_array[i + 1]];
        -- beyond current file position
        EXIT WHEN position_array[idx_array[i]] >= file_position;
        -- not enough free space
        CONTINUE WHEN position_array[idx_array[i + 1]] - (position_array[idx_array[i]] + length_array[idx_array[i]]) < file_length;
        -- calculate start position of the free space
        insert_index := i;

    IF insert_index > 0 THEN
        position_array[current_file] := position_array[idx_array[insert_index]] + length_array[idx_array[insert_index]];
        RETURN (idx_array[1:insert_index] || current_file || (idx_array[insert_index + 1:#idx_array] - current_file), position_array);
        RETURN (idx_array, position_array);
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


with recursive origin AS (
    SELECT idx, pos :: INTEGER as length, case when mod(idx, 2) = 1 then ((idx - 1) / 2) :: VARCHAR else '.' end as file_id
    FROM (
        SELECT x.idx :: INTEGER, x.pos
        FROM lance_input, regexp_split_to_table(line, '') with ordinality as x(pos, idx)
    ) t
    ORDER BY idx
), num_pos AS (
    SELECT start_pos, length, file_id :: INTEGER + 1 as file_id
    FROM (
        SELECT sum(length) over (order by idx) - length as start_pos, length, file_id
        FROM origin
    ) t
    WHERE file_id != '.'
), mv_pos AS (
    SELECT array_agg(file_id order by file_id) :: int[] as idx_array, 
           array_agg(start_pos order by file_id) :: int[] as pos_array,
           array_agg(length order by file_id) :: int[] as length_array, 
           max(file_id) as current_file
    FROM num_pos


    SELECT t.idx_array, t.pos_array, s.length_array, s.current_file - 1 as current_file
    FROM mv_pos s, move_file(idx_array, pos_array, length_array, current_file) as t(idx_array int[], pos_array int[])
    WHERE s.current_file >0

postgres-# select * From mv_pos;
       idx_array        |           pos_array           |     length_array      | current_file 
 {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} | {0,5,11,15,19,22,27,32,36,40} | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |           10
 {1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} | {0,5,11,15,19,22,27,32,36,2}  | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            9
 {1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} | {0,5,11,15,19,22,27,32,36,2}  | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            8
 {1,10,2,8,3,4,5,6,7,9} | {0,5,11,15,19,22,27,8,36,2}   | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            7
 {1,10,2,8,3,4,5,6,7,9} | {0,5,11,15,19,22,27,8,36,2}   | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            6
 {1,10,2,8,3,4,5,6,7,9} | {0,5,11,15,19,22,27,8,36,2}   | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            5
 {1,10,2,8,3,5,4,6,7,9} | {0,5,11,15,12,22,27,8,36,2}   | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            4
 {1,10,2,8,3,5,4,6,7,9} | {0,5,11,15,12,22,27,8,36,2}   | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            3
 {1,10,3,2,8,5,4,6,7,9} | {0,5,4,15,12,22,27,8,36,2}    | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            2
 {1,10,3,2,8,5,4,6,7,9} | {0,5,4,15,12,22,27,8,36,2}    | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            1
 {1,10,3,2,8,5,4,6,7,9} | {0,5,4,15,12,22,27,8,36,2}    | {2,3,1,3,2,4,4,3,4,2} |            0
(11 rows)

最后,将int array展开后,即能得到第一种方法的同样结果

postgres-#     SELECT - 1 as file_id, y.pos, z.length
postgres-#     FROM (
postgres(#         SELECT id.*
postgres(#         FROM mv_pos, unnest(idx_array) WITH ORDINALITY id
postgres(#         WHERE current_file = 0
postgres(#     ) x
postgres-#     JOIN (
postgres(#         SELECT pos.*
postgres(#         FROM mv_pos, unnest(pos_array) WITH ORDINALITY pos
postgres(#         WHERE current_file = 0
postgres(#     ) y
postgres-#     ON = y.ORDINALITY
postgres-#     JOIN (
postgres(#         SELECT length.*
postgres(#         FROM mv_pos, unnest(length_array) WITH ORDINALITY length
postgres(#         WHERE current_file = 0
postgres(#     ) z
postgres-#     ON = z.ORDINALITY order by pos;
 file_id | pos | length 
       0 |   0 |      2
       9 |   2 |      2
       2 |   4 |      1
       1 |   5 |      3
       7 |   8 |      3
       4 |  12 |      2
       3 |  15 |      3
       5 |  22 |      4
       6 |  27 |      4
       8 |  36 |      4
(10 rows)
