AdventOfCode 2023 Day 5

Part One


79 14 55 13

seed-to-soil map:
50 98 2
52 50 48

Explode the mapping


  SELECT i + 1 from x
t(id, n) AS (
  select row_number() over () as id, line as n from lance_input
seed_to_soil(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'seed-to-soil map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'soil-to-fertilizer map:') - 1
  ) t
seed_soil(source, target) AS (
  SELECT source + n.i - 1, target + n.i - 1
  FROM seed_to_soil m, (select i from x limit (select max(cnt) from seed_to_soil)) n
  where m.cnt >= n.i
SELECT * FROM seed_soil;

 source | target 
     98 |     50
     99 |     51
     50 |     52
     51 |     53
     52 |     54
     53 |     55
     54 |     56
     55 |     57
     56 |     58
     57 |     59


  SELECT i + 1 from x
select min(x) from (
select seed.num, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, seed.num))))))) as x from seed
LEFT JOIN seed_soil 
ON seed.num = seed_soil.source
LEFT JOIN soil_fertilizer 
ON coalesce(, seed.num) = soil_fertilizer.source
LEFT JOIN fertilizer_water 
ON coalesce(, coalesce(, seed.num)) = fertilizer_water.source
LEFT JOIN water_light 
ON coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, seed.num))) = water_light.source
LEFT JOIN light_temperature 
ON coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, seed.num)))) = light_temperature.source
LEFT JOIN temperature_humidity 
ON coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, seed.num))))) = temperature_humidity.source
LEFT JOIN humidity_location 
ON coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, coalesce(, seed.num)))))) = humidity_location.source) t;


Direct join without explode

因此不能展开所有的记录,只能直接关联,关联的条件就是between min and max

SELECT seed.num as origin, coalesce( + seed.num - seed_soil.source , seed.num) as result
FROM seed
LEFT JOIN seed_soil 
ON seed.num between seed_soil.source AND seed_soil.source + seed_soil.cnt - 1


WITH t(id, n) AS (
  select row_number() over () as id, line as n from lance_input
seed(num) AS (
  select unnest(string_to_array(trim(split_part(n, ':', 2)), ' ')) :: bigint
  from t
  where id = 1
seed_soil(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'seed-to-soil map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'soil-to-fertilizer map:') - 1
  ) t
soil_fertilizer(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'soil-to-fertilizer map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'fertilizer-to-water map:') - 1
  ) t
fertilizer_water(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'fertilizer-to-water map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'water-to-light map:') - 1
  ) t
water_light(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'water-to-light map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'light-to-temperature map:') - 1
  ) t
light_temperature(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'light-to-temperature map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'temperature-to-humidity map:') - 1
  ) t
temperature_humidity(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'temperature-to-humidity map:%') 
    AND id < (select id from t where n like 'humidity-to-location map:') - 1
  ) t
humidity_location(source, target, cnt) AS (
  SELECT arr[2]::bigint, arr[1]::bigint, arr[3]::bigint as cnt
  FROM (
    SELECT string_to_array(n, ' ') as arr
    FROM t
    WHERE id > (select id from t where n like 'humidity-to-location map:%') 
  ) t

SELECT origin, coalesce( + result - humidity_location.source, result) as result
  SELECT origin, coalesce( + result - temperature_humidity.source, result) as result
  FROM (
    SELECT origin, coalesce( + result - light_temperature.source, result) as result
    FROM (
      SELECT origin, coalesce( + result - water_light.source, result) as result
      FROM (
        SELECT origin, coalesce( + result - fertilizer_water.source, result) as result
        FROM (
          SELECT origin, coalesce( + result - soil_fertilizer.source, result) as result
          FROM (
            SELECT seed.num as origin, coalesce( + seed.num - seed_soil.source , seed.num) as result
            FROM seed
            LEFT JOIN seed_soil 
            ON seed.num between seed_soil.source AND seed_soil.source + seed_soil.cnt - 1
          ) t
          LEFT JOIN soil_fertilizer 
          ON t.result between soil_fertilizer.source AND soil_fertilizer.source + soil_fertilizer.cnt - 1
        ) t
        LEFT JOIN fertilizer_water 
        ON t.result between fertilizer_water.source AND fertilizer_water.source + fertilizer_water.cnt - 1
      ) t
      LEFT JOIN water_light 
      ON t.result between water_light.source AND water_light.source + water_light.cnt - 1
    ) t
    LEFT JOIN light_temperature 
    ON t.result between light_temperature.source AND light_temperature.source + light_temperature.cnt - 1
  ) t
  LEFT JOIN temperature_humidity 
  ON t.result between temperature_humidity.source AND temperature_humidity.source + temperature_humidity.cnt - 1
) t
LEFT JOIN humidity_location 
ON t.result between humidity_location.source AND humidity_location.source + humidity_location.cnt - 1

Part Two

Part Two增加了难度,seed也变成了一堆范围的数字,第一种解法基本也无法短时间内解出。

Range Start Range Size
104847962 3583832
1212568077 114894281

Split range into slices


上图中,如果seed的range是[0 – 100],[150 – 250],seed-to-soil的range是[10 – 110],[120 – 220],则对应的mapping记录应该被拆分为:

  • [0 – 10],未找到mapping,保持原始值
  • [10 – 100],找到mapping,替换为mapping后的值
  • [150 – 220],找到mapping,替换为mapping后的值
  • [220 – 250],未找到mapping,保持原始值

为了方便后续的匹配,需要将seed的range,切分为更细粒度的slice。具体的切分点,就取seed和seed-to-soil两个表中切分点的合集,即[0, 10, 100, 110, 120, 150, 220, 250]

SELECT DISTINCT unnest(s.arr || t.arr) as num
      SELECT array_agg(start) || array_agg(maxnum) as arr
      FROM seed
) s, (
      SELECT array_agg(source) || array_agg(maxnum) as arr
      FROM humidity_location
) t


SELECT reduce_dim(num) as slice
  SELECT case when next_num is null OR num + 1 = next_num then array[array[num,num]] else array[array[num, num], array[num + 1, next_num - 1]] end as num
  FROM (
    SELECT num, lead(num) over (order by num) as next_num
    FROM (
      SELECT DISTINCT unnest(s.arr || t.arr) as num
      FROM (
      SELECT array_agg(start) || array_agg(maxnum) as arr
      FROM seed
      ) s, (
      SELECT array_agg(source) || array_agg(maxnum) as arr
      FROM seed_soil
      ) t
      ORDER BY 1
    ) t
  ) s
) t;

(13 rows)


SELECT m.slice,
      case when n.source is not null then m.slice[1] - n.source + else m.slice[1] end as start, 
      case when n.source is not null then m.slice[2] - n.source + else m.slice[2] end as maxnum
FROM soil_slice m LEFT JOIN seed_soil n
ON n.maxnum >= m.slice[2] AND n.source <= m.slice[1]

         slice         |   start   |  maxnum   
 {0,0}                 | 533608135 | 533608135
 {1,104847961}         | 533608136 | 638456096
 {104847962,104847962} | 638456097 | 638456097
 {104847963,108431792} | 638456098 | 642039927
 {108431793,108431793} | 642039928 | 642039928
 {108431794,310308286} | 642039929 | 843916421
 {310308287,310308287} | 843916422 | 843916422
 {310308288,323093895} | 843916423 | 856702030
 {323093896,323093896} | 856702031 | 856702031
 {323093897,431744149} | 856702032 | 965352284
(10 rows)

Final SQL


SELECT seed.start, seed.maxnum, location_slice_result.start as result 
FROM seed
JOIN soil_slice_result
ON seed.maxnum >= soil_slice_result.slice[2] AND seed.start <= soil_slice_result.slice[1]
JOIN fertilizer_slice_result
ON soil_slice_result.maxnum >= fertilizer_slice_result.slice[2] AND soil_slice_result.start <= fertilizer_slice_result.slice[1]
JOIN water_slice_result
ON fertilizer_slice_result.maxnum >= water_slice_result.slice[2] AND fertilizer_slice_result.start <= water_slice_result.slice[1]
JOIN light_slice_result
ON water_slice_result.maxnum >= light_slice_result.slice[2] AND water_slice_result.start <= light_slice_result.slice[1]
JOIN temperature_slice_result
ON light_slice_result.maxnum >= temperature_slice_result.slice[2] AND light_slice_result.start <= temperature_slice_result.slice[1]
JOIN humidity_slice_result
ON temperature_slice_result.maxnum >= humidity_slice_result.slice[2] AND temperature_slice_result.start <= humidity_slice_result.slice[1]
JOIN location_slice_result
ON humidity_slice_result.maxnum >= location_slice_result.slice[2] AND humidity_slice_result.start <= location_slice_result.slice[1]
